As you may already know, the EUC Student Academic Journal (ESAJ) features brilliant papers and essays written by students during the academic year. The ESAJ aims to provide a platform to both showcase the scholarship of EUC students as well as to make the work within different departments more accessible to the general student population. If you would like to read the previous editions they can be found on our website:
Submissions Now Open!
We are now opening submissions for the fourth edition of the ESAJ, and ask you to send us essays, papers or research projects written in the previous academic year (2021-2022) that you would like to see published in the journal. Multiple submissions are welcome, but due to the potential volume of submissions we ask that you select your submissions wisely. Papers written in a group are also welcome, provided they fit the criteria mentioned below.
- Essays should offer a new perspective or original insight/analysis on a topic and/or answer a specific research question.
- Fieldwork or quantitative or qualitative research papers are welcome.
- The paper/essay is not a summary of the course content.
- The typical word count of work we receive is between 2000-4000 words, but this is not a strict limit. Feel free to send in papers outside this range if you find them to be a good fit for the journal.
This year we would love to see more submissions from a larger variety of fields and would like to encourage students to send in research papers, articles or other work they have written for courses in all four departments—LSC, ECB, SBS, and HUM.
Once submissions close, all the papers sent in will be reviewed and shortlisted anonymously. If your essay or paper is chosen, it will go through an editing process before it is published.
We ask that you send your papers in by the 30th of October, 2022. Please send your submissions to If you have any questions you can reach out to us via email or through our instagram @eucsaj. We look forward to reading your work!
Best regards,
ESAJ's 4th Editorial Board