Submissions now open
We are now starting work on the second edition of ESAJ. Of course, what is a journal without essays it can publish? We therefore ask you to please send us essays written in the last semester that you think are particularly good and would be eager to turn into publishable material. Because we may have a large number of submissions, we ask that you choose these wisely (i.e., don't send in all your essays).
Upon receiving your submissions, we will review and shortlist the papers anonymously. If your essay is chosen, we will return it with 'major edits' or 'minor edits' and work with you in order to bring the paper up to a publishing standard.
We request that you send us the essays by the 6th of March so that we can publish a full-fledged edition by the end of this semester. Papers that are not sent in by this date will not be taken into consideration. Please send your essay submissions and/or questions to
Open Board Position ESAJ
The EUC student academic journal (ESAJ) is looking for new members of the editorial board for the second edition 2019/2020 of the journal. As an editor, you will have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the process of academic publishing and be able to hone your collaboration, communication, and writing skills in a friendly setting. Apart from the professional experience you can gain from this position, working as an editor is also a fun and rewarding experience!
Your responsibilities as an editor would entail:
- Reading and selecting papers for publishing
- Doing peer review work in your areas of expertise
- Editing grammar and formatting
- Aiding in publishing in print and digital formats
- Aiding in organizing a launch event at the end of quad 4
If you wish to take up the responsibility of an editor of the ESAJ, please send us a message with the following information so we can get to you know you better:
- the year you are in, your major (if applicable), and an overview of courses you have take
- something about yourself in no more than 100 words
- (any relevant experience)
Please send your application message and/or questions to no later than the 8th of March.