           Our student-run journal annually publishes outstanding papers by students, which go through a rigorous peer-review and editing process before being made available to the wider public. The current edition was published in May 2022, and contains 13 articles, refined from over 40 submissions, written by EUC students on a wide variety of subjects. The high number of submissions received and the quality of the papers which made it through the review process highlight the growing role the journal plays within EUC. The success of ESAJ is in large part thanks to our editors, who have worked enthusiastically to present a complete edition to our readers.

            The publishing process has become a valued opportunity for students, both authors and editors, to continue engaging with their own topics of interest, and showcasing academic work to the community. It is also an educational experience that enables students to gain familiarity with the process of academic publishing. ESAJ would like to take this opportunity to invite our dear EUC students, from any departments, to apply to the editorial board for the next edition of the journal. To apply, please send an email to indicating your major, year of study, and a short (max 150 words) motivation letter by June 30th.

            As an editor, you will have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the process of academic publishing and hone your collaboration, communication, and writing skills in a friendly setting. Apart from the professional experience you can gain from this position, working as an editor is also a fun and rewarding experience!

            Your responsibilities as an editor would entail:
  1. Reading and selecting papers for publication
  2. Peer reviewing works in your areas of expertise
  3. Editing grammar and formatting
  4. Designing the digital and printed editions

           If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us an email or a message on Instagram. We look forward to receiving your applications!